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Endorsements & Testimonials

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Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, TX-24
Representative Giovanni Capriglione, House District 98
Tim O'Hare, Republican Nominee for Tarrant County Judge 

Mayor John Huffman, City of Southlake
Chad Patton, Southlake City Council
Ronell Smith, Southlake City Council
Amy Torres-Lepp, Southlake City Council
Dr. Randy Robbins, Southlake City Council
Kathy Talley, Southlake City Council
Randy Williamson, Southlake City Council
Cam Bryan, CISD School Board Trustee
Hannah Smith, CISD School Board Trustee
Matt Rinaldi, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas*
Rick Barnes, Tarrant County Republican Party Chair
Tom Wilder, Tarrant County District Clerk
Pat Hardy, Texas State Board of Education, District 11
Shannon Wood, Tarrant County College District Board of Trustees
Anne Gebhart, State Republican Executive Committee, SD 9
Warren Norred, State Republican Executive Committee, District 10
Konni Burton, former Texas Senator
Matt Krause, former State Representative
Andy Nguyen, former County Commissioner
John Terrell, former Southlake Mayor
Andy Wambsganss, ​former Southlake Mayor
Laura Hill, former Southlake Mayor
Shawn McCaskill, former Southlake City Councilmember
Al Zito, former Southlake City Councilmember
Chris Archer, former Southlake City Council and CISD School Board President
Carolyn Hill Morris, former Southlake City Council and CISD Teacher 
Read Ballew, former CISD School Board President
Charles Wegman, former CISD School Board Trustee
Craig Rothmeier, former CISD School Board Trustee
Matt Bryant, former CISD School Board Trustee
Fred Stovall, former CISD School Board Trustee
Frances Scharli, Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Chair
Lori Palmer, former Southlake Parks and Recreation Vice Chair
Mayor Armin Mizani, City of Keller
Dr. Charles Randklev, KISD School Board Trustee
Tammy Nakamura, Colleyville City Council
Southlake Families PAC
1776 Project PAC
Patriot Mobile Action 
True Texas Project
DFW Conservative Voters PAC
Mary Elizabeth Castle, JD, Senior Policy Advisor, Texas Values
Carlos E. Turcios, Star-Telegram Columnist & Founder Fort Worth First
Donna Baker, Precinct Chair 3545
Alan Drennan, Precinct Chair 3542
​Lisa Grimaldi, Precinct Chair 1109
Laura Oakley, President, Grapevine Republican Club 
Glenn Story, Precinct Chair 3558
David Halverson, Precinct Chair 3038, Former SREC SD 12
Dana Loesch, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host and Best-Selling Author

Marzia Aberasturia

Alicia Abram

Gordon Abram

Margaret Adams

Mary Adrian

Randy Adrian

Ed Agnew 

Megann Agnew 

Ali Alam

Carl Alford

Andy Allen

Brittany Allen

Marc Allen

Katherine Alvarez

Rosemarie Andersen

Ben Anderson

Brent Anderson

Chris Anderson

Douglas Anderson

Graham Anderson

Jeannie Anderson

Katy Anderson

Kurtis Anderson

Willy Anderson

Brian Anding

Gloria Anding

Luis Argote

Shanna Argote

J Neal Armstrong

Matthew Ashley

Jenna Askew

Laura Avalos

Claudia Avila

Victor Avila

Don Aydon

Jamie Baker

Mike Baker

Robin Baker

Steve Baker

Steven Baker

Thomas Ball

Trish Ballew

Beverlee Barrera

Angela Bartholomae

Shawn Bartholomae

Amy Bates

Danny Batsalkin

Magdalena Battles

Linda Bayless

Gene Bazemore

Lynn Bazemore

Amy Becker

Kirk Becker

Kim Bedwell

Skyler Beer

Amy Bei

Stephen Bei

Tamara Bennett

Frank Bernardo

Micala Bernardo

Carlos Bertrand

Verónica Bertrand

Noah Betz 

Csongor Bibza

Anthony Bishop

Julie Blair

Jeff Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchard

Michael Blubaugh

Michele Blubaugh

Todd Bockenfeld

Scott Bonfield

Bart Bonney 

Jeff Booher 

Jennifer Booher 

Becky Renfro Borbolla

Susan Borella

Lydia Boto

Sherri Bowles

Rachel Bowman

Brian Boyd

Susan Brandt

Joyce Brasher

John Brieger

Roberta Brock

Edward Brooke

Keri Brooke

David Brown

Sharon Brown

William Brown

Ethan Bruner

Donald Brush

Adam Buczek

Gloria Buczek

John Buczek

Paul Budvitis

Joann Bula

Robin Bulatao

Mike Burch

Kimberly Burke

Christopher Burton

Anh Chi Busboom

Kurt Busboom

Mike Bussmann

Adam Butcher

Amber Butcher

Barton Buttles

Jamie Cadiz

Laura Caldwell

Matt Caldwell

Bob Campanella

Lisa Campanella

Tiffany Campbell

Debra Capps

William Capps

Kara Carreras-Clubb

Stephanie Carson

Jennifer Casey

Lindsey Castner

Matthew Cenatus

Patty Lynn Cesander

Kathleen Cipriano

Alex Ciunciusky 

Claudia Ciunciusky

Jon Clark

Sharon Clark

Gary Cline

Michelle Cline

David Clubb

Kathleen Coburn

Scott Coburn

Geri Cohen

Carla Collier

Pam Colvin

Dan Combe

Jill Combe

Charlie Compagnone

Jennifer Conroy

Jordan Milner Cook

Lisa Cook

Steve Cook

Tim Cook

Mario Cordova

Louis Corna

Cheryl Corpany

John Corpany

Kim Cox

Angela Cross

Octavio Cuellar

Mac Cummins

Brad Curtis

Heather Curtis

Rich Curtis

Derek Dai

Arlene Dang

Tom Dang

Deanna Davidson

Glenn Davidson

Kim Davis

Tim Davis

Angie Dawkins

Kathy Del Calvo

Leo Del Calvo

Leo Del Calvo Jr.

Jay Demas

Dylan Dewall

David Deyo

Donna Deyo

Dan Dickson

Pam Dickson

Claire Doddridge

Jennifer Donlon

Daniel Donohue

Dana Dooley

Kevin Dooley

Leigh Ann Downing

Eileen Drennan

Bret Drewelow

Amie Dumbleton

Ashley Duran

Jeffrey Duran

Zdenka Duran

Jennifer Dyer

Justin Ead 

Scott Eddins

Tara Eddins

Kenneth Edwards

Stuart Egerton

Stephanie Elad 

Ginny Elder

Daniel Eldred

Leigh Erlenbeck

Peter Ermish

Tom Evans

Lauren Fanning

Marc Fanning

Claudia Ferguson

Kathryn Ferry

Paul Fiore

Janet Fish

Beverly Foley

Neysa Font

Gregg Formella

Andy Foskey

Michelle Foskey

April Fout

Chad Fox

Stacy Fox

Anne Franklin

Linda Frederick

Pete Frederick

Gina Monroe French

Rich French

Kristin Garcia

Maura Gardner

Alicia Gates

Chris Gates

Reagan Gates

Kathryn Gerrity

Kevin Gerrity

Asim Ghanchi 

Erum Ghanchi 

Dennis Godfrey

Joan Gonzales

Ed Gray

Jordan Gray

Malloree Gray

Teri Gray

Hilary Grimm

Curtis Green

James Guerriero

Hugh Gwynn

Trina Gwynn

Mark Haitz

Jennifer Hall

Brandon Hall

Ramona Hall

Shannon Hall

Anne Halter

Jack Halter

Stephanie Hamell

Stacy Hamilton

Carol Han

Michael Hardin

Gary H Hargett

Sherry Hargett

Lisa Harrington

Christin Hart

Barbara Hartigan

Joseph Edward Harvey

Lynda Haworth

Tariq Hendawi 

Sarah Hilton

Virginia Hinkle

Roth Hinkle

Angela Hoehne

Christine Holcomb

Nancy Hollis

Gregg Holtmeier

Elizabeth Huffman

Alan Hughes

Kristen Hughes

Nathan Hulme

Clay Hunt

Elizabeth Huss

Robert Huss

Nick Hyslop

Ronda Ingham

Thomas Ingham

Christian Iracheta

Mitsoo Iravani

Chris Jackson

Ali Jamal 

Kaye Jameson

Doug Jamison

Mary Jamison

Elizabeth Johansson

Christine Johnsen

CJ Johnsen

Tim Johnson

Jeanine Jones

Nancy Jones

Dudley Jordan

Joe Jordan

Nichole Jordan

Valerie Jordan

Diane Kain

Dionysia Kakoliris

Nasia Kakoliris

Steven Kaplan 

Sandra Karlsson

Kimberly Kaupe

Emile Keller

Yvette Keller

Brandon Kelley

Jim Kelley

Melanie Kelley

Kristine Kemp

Khris Kesling

Betsy Kidd

Chris Kidd

Adam Kieda 

Meg Kieda

Dennis King

Kristen King

Robyn Kingston

Kavita Kishinchandani

Carrie Kittrell

Daniel Kittrell

Lorrie Terlingo-Knipper

Tom Knipper

Bob Koewing

James Kogan

Tanya Kogan

Gary Kohr

Nancy Kolter

Dana Krasinski

Joe Krasinski

Danielle Krishna

Linda Krishna

Nicole Krishna

Paul A. Krishna 

Paul P. Krishna

Matt Lafavers

Donna Lampe 

Henry Lampe 

Lavonda Landrum

Larry Landry

Marylynn Landry

Jessica Amstater Lane

Eric Lang

Wendy Lang

Joseph Lanza

Ramona Lanza

Janira Lazu-Robiou

Vago Lauren

Marycruz Leathers

Amy Lemmermann

Brian Lemmermann

Scott Lepp 

Shelly Lewis

Douglas Lies

Anne Lindamood

Jake Lindamood

Kayla Lindamood

Stephanie Lindberg

Ying Liu

Emily Livingstone

Danielle Llera

Chuck Lo

Chris Lott

Joan Lott

Mindy Luber

Ron Luber

Kim Lucas

Kari Lutz

Steve Lutz

Sarah Mackey

Dana Mackie

Darius Maggi

Karen Maggi

Michael Mainard

Trudy Malek

Candice Manley

Marian Mann

Tom Mann

Carrie Mark

Robert Mark

Angelica Martin

John Martin

Mary Martin

Rhonda Martin

Anna Martinez

Hector Martinez

Jennifer Martinez

Kathy Mastinez

Debbie Matkin

Laura McCaskill

Ashley McCurry

Brandon McCurry

Michelle McDermott

Julia D McDonald

Steve McElhiney

Dana McElyea

Tom McElyea

Marisa McFadin

Mark McFadin

Tommy McFall

AJ  McGuckin

Kelly McGuire

Robert McKay 

Christy McNew

Mark Mednansky

Shelly Mednansky

Jim Mertz

Karen Mertz

Ashley Messick

Susan Michaelis

Corinne Midkiff

Guy Midkiff

Jim Miller

Shannan Mills

Shelly Minahan

Dennis Minder

Pattie Minder

Stephenie Minor

Andrea Miranda

Ali Mirza

Doree Mladenovic

Ashley Moore

Don Moore

Neil Moore

Tom Moore

Trey Morris

Paul Moseley  

Tori Moseley

Ellen Mossberg

Rebecca Mousel

Matt Muns

Sarah Muns

Tom Murphy

Bruce Murray 

Tammy Murray

Jessica Nester

Lee Nester

Lenora Nielsen

Heath Niemi

Danielle Nolan

Ryan Nolan

Mark Norcini

Sandra Nuese

Donna Nystrom

Tim Nystrom

Mike Odell

Wendy Odell

Christen O'Hare

Greg Pabich

Bruce Palumbo

Penelope Palumbo

Michael Palys

Jim Parsons

Tracy Patton 

Gloria Paul

Robert Payne

Brooke Pazera

Michael Pazera

Tamara Peel

Bonnie Pendergrass

Chris Pendergrass

Craig Perkins

Kathy Peterson

Cindy Sue Petty

Georgia Peyton

Jill Phillips

Richard Phillips

Helen Pierson

Jackie Pittman

Michael Porter

David Potenza

Jolyn Potenza

Lisa Premo

Bridget Proskie

Edward Proskie

Dell Quintana

Bryan Rabeler

Hilary Rabeler

Chris Rector

Katie Rector

Mercedes Reed

Lacey N Rees

Suzanne Reid

Bonnie Reinke

David Renken

Don Reukema

Austin Reynolds

Danny Reynolds

Kristin Reynolds

Leanna Reynolds

David Rhoades

Theresa Rhoades

Brian K Rich

Alfonso Riera

Dana Rivera

Beth Roberson

Tandy Roberson

Jennifer Roberts

Cristian Robiou

Craig Rogers

Patty Rogers

Eric Rose

Mika Ryan

Mitchell Ryan

Patrick Ryan

Trish Rylee

Cindy Ryon

Christy Cox-Sabo

Bre Saldi

Dawn Saldivar

Juan Saldivar

Lisa Sammons

Robert Sammons

Joe Sansone

Jonathan Schaller

Jennifer Schau

Matty Schirle

Martin W. Schelling 

Bradley Schmeder

Kevin Schmuhl

Maureen Schmuhl

Anne Schultz

Bryan Schneider

Laurie Schneider

Anna Schultz

Matt Seaburn

Alan Secord

Lori Segal

Paul Segal

Karen Sego

Michelle Self

Dennis Selzer

Steve Selinger

Byron Severson

Jeriann Severson

Alex Sexton

Jennifer Sexton

Dave Shackelford

Jenny Shackelford

Sanjeev Sharma

Vanessa Shifflette

Joan Shockley

Cindy Shultz

Elizabeth Shurtz

Eric Simms

Andrea Simon

Kelly Simpson

Anita Sims

Randy Sims

Jiri Smetana

Carson Smith

John Smith

Karen Smith

Rachel Smith

Graylene Spain

Kim Spain 

Paul Spain

Elizabeth Sparks

Anna Speier

Jon Speier

Tim Spelts

Esther Spickler

Doug Spitler

Jennifer Springs

Christy Stacy

Mitch Stacy

Valerie Stalets

Sean Stapleton

Tim Steffen

Robert Stewart

Shane Stewart

Stephanie Stewart

Kelli Stombaugh

Jenny Story

Alexandra Stout

Andrew Stout

Amanda Stout

Genevieve Stovall

Michael Strader

Brandy Strange

Matthew Strange

Rosanne Swacker

Dan Sweeney

Renee Sweeney

Anne Swienton

Ray Swienton

Trevor Tacker

Christina Taggart

Chuck Taggart

John Michael Tate

Kelli Tate

Tara Tate

Michon Taylor

Wendy Taylor

Marisa Terrell

John Thane

Julie Theilken

Mark Theilken

John Thomas

Renee Thomas

Andreea Timberlake

Sam Timothy

Vicki Timothy

Natan Ton-that

Dawn Tongish

Scott Tucker

Matt Tuggey

Dr. Jean Tuggey

George Tuttle

Jennifer Tyrrell

Molly Underwood

Tino Valdez

Kate Van de Berghe

Matthew Vaughan

Kim Veenker

Sanjay V Veerabathina

Ferdinand Velasco

Jennifer Velasco

Francene Venesky

Celia Venter

Paul Venter

Trey Verbick

Alison Viktorin

Dan Vining

Paula Vining

Cindy Viohl

Alicia Wagner

Chip Wagner

John Wagner

Nancy Wagner

Eric Wahl 

Kerina Wahl

Ann Marie Walker

Barbara Walker

Leslie Walker

Rick Walker

Robert Walker

Dale Wall

Elizabeth Hoover Wall

David Walsh

Julie Walsh  

Becky Wambsganss

Leigh Wambsganss

Christine Wang

Jeremy Wang

Brooke Warren

Paul Warren

Amy Watts

Susan Wegman

Margaret Weiss

Rob Weitkamp

James Welsh

Kara Whillock

Angie Whitney

Bobby Whitney

Holly Butcher Wierick

Sharen Wilcox

Anna Williams

Janice  Williams

Kristopher Williams

Cheryl L. Wilson

Kendra Wilson

Ryan Wilson

Christy Winkler

Darin Winn

Michele Winn

Lily Wong

Jamie Wooldridge

Sally Wooldridge

Michelle Woolf

Jean Xue 

Jun Yan

Karen Zaal

Annette Zaleski

Anthony Zaleski

Anthony Zaleski Jr.

Sharee Zaleski

Sharon Zaleski

Bill Zimmerman



"Andrew Yeager is a solid conservative who is in the trenches, fighting to keep public schools from becoming politicized. I applaud his conviction and integrity. Join me in endorsing Andrew Yeager for re-election to Carroll ISD Board of Trustees."

-Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, TX-24  

Andrew Yeager is a man of integrity, intentionality, and conviction. And he is a family man with a deep commitment to our community and CISD schools. His experience as a businessman is invaluable in making sure our operations are run efficiently and our budgets are managed soundly. His experience as a professor is also invaluable in ensuring CISD maintains the highest commitment to quality education, promoting students' best interests, and retaining some of the best teachers in Texas. Join me in supporting Andrew Yeager for re-election to CISD School Board."

-Representative Giovanni Capriglione, House District 98


“It is our pleasure to support Andrew Yeager for re-election to Carroll ISD Board of Trustees. Andrew’s common sense conservatism, business acumen, and professional demeanor are an asset to the Board as it sets educational policy for our incredible district. We urge you to join us and vote for Andrew.”
-Mayor John Huffman and Elizabeth Huffman

“Carroll ISD is at a critical crossroads. Our community must re-elect proven leaders like Andrew Yeager to help guide our district into a bright future. Andrew is committed to fiscal responsibility, transparent governance, and partnering with parents to provide the best possible education for all of our Dragons. Andrew will continue to serve our district and community with the highest degree of integrity and character. I’m honored to endorse Carroll ISD Trustee Andrew Yeager for re-election.”

-Hannah Smith, Carroll ISD School Board Trustee

"I am more than excited to endorse Andrew for re-election to this very important position. With many years of experience in sales and management, along with being a professor in higher education, Andrew has all of the right qualifications. His belief in adhering to fiscal sound principles, commitment to transparent communication and a clear focus on academic excellence will continue to serve this board and community well."

-Cam Bryan, Carroll ISD School Board Trustee

"The Smith family could not be happier to endorse Andrew Yeager for re-election to the Carroll ISD school board. Our kids deserve to receive the best educational experience available. We expect and demand as much. Andrew is making certain that the community’s values are upheld, ensuring that our kids attend safe schools and get a top-notch education as they prepare for the challenging world that awaits them."

-Ronell Smith, Southlake City Councilmember

"I proudly endorse Andrew Yeager for re-election to the Carroll ISD School Board. A proven leader and committed Southlake volunteer, he is dedicated to continuing the District's focus on academic excellence for all Dragons. He will continue to work hard for transparent communications from the

administration, staff and board. I'm proud to endorse Andrew!"

-Former Southlake Mayor John Terrell

"Andrew is committed to a quality education for all Dragons. A dedicated volunteer with a servant heart, he has given hundreds of hours of community service hours to Southlake and CISD. Andrew’s academic and business backgrounds position him uniquely to lead on the CISD Board of Trustees. His commitment to transparency, fiscal responsibility and academic excellence is why I endorse Andrew Yeager for re-election as CISD Trustee."

-Former Southlake Mayor Andy Wambsganss

"Andrew Yeager is a class act, highly intelligent and someone we can trust. He will continue to work hard to ensure our tax dollars are spent wisely and to make sure our kids continue to get a high-quality education. Christen and I are behind him 100% and know he has the experience needed to keep Carroll ISD the top school district in Texas."

-Tim O'Hare, former Tarrant County Republican Party Chair

"As a former President of the CISD School Board and City Council Member, l proudly endorse Andrew and am confident he will be a great addition to the Board!"

-Chris Archer, former City Councilmember and CISD School Board President

"As a former City Councilman and continued Community Advocate I wholeheartedly endorse Andrew for re-election for CISD Trustee. He is both level-headed and common-sense oriented. I know that he will continue to do a great job on behalf of our Children, the ISD and the Community.  He loves Our Southlake and has the communities' best interests at heart."

-Al Zito, former Southlake City Councilmember

"Andrew shares my values and is doing a great job on the CISD School Board. I endorse him for re-election."  

-Charles Wegman, former CISD School Board Trustee

"I am honored to support Andrew Yeager for re-election. His thoughtful and deliberate nature make him an excellent asset to the Board. Furthermore, the fact that he is kind when dealing with others (whether they agree with him or not) will continue to prove effective as a trustee, as well as serve as an example for all the children in CISD."

-Matt Bryant, former CISD School Board Trustee

"As a former CISD School Board Trustee (9 yrs.)/ President (4 yrs.) we proudly endorse ANDREW YEAGER."

-Read Ballew & Trish Ballew, former CISD School Board President

"Andrew is a gentlemanly scholar who is passionate about our school district. His experience as a professor gives him a unique classroom experience as well as an eye as to what is needed for college readiness. His business experience will be an asset to balancing the budget. In a political climate of loud voices, Andrew is the ever steady, calm and resolute common sense presence. I wholeheartedly support Andrew Yeager for re-election to the school board."

-Leigh Wambsganss

"I'm proud to endorse Andrew Yeager for re-election for CISD School Board, Place 7. His strong conservative values and leadership skills are so needed to help schools refocus on academics. As a current adjunct professor, he also has a unique perspective of being able to relate to what teachers are experiencing today."

- Shannon Wood, Tarrant County College District Board of Trustees, District 2

"Andrew is the thoughtful conservative that CISD needs to help restore the trust of our community."

-Fred & Genevieve Stovall, former CISD Trustee


"I've known Andrew for just a few years and admired how he's  stood up and offered substantive leadership in school matters. Vote Andrew!"

-Warren Norred, State Republican Executive Committee, District 10

"Mr. Yeager is a great Mentor and Professor. He had such a impact on my academic career. His ability to relate, inspire, and listen to others allowed my classmates and I to see how to approach challenges and how to overcome them. He spoke with truth and led by example and I cherish that everyday."

-Christian Iracheta

"As A Grapevine GOP Precinct Chair, I endorse Andrew for his conservative vision, energy and enthusiasm."

-Alan Drennan

"Andrew Yeager has been a great addition to the School Board.

 We need to elect him again in May.  As an over-55 Southlaker, I see the school system as critical to maintaining my property value and keeping Southlake a strong community." 

-April Fout


"Andrew is fully qualified to be reelected for CISD School board. In his short time representing the silent majority of our city, positive changes are happening to encourage the fundamentals of learning. He also asks the question how do we pay for this every time so that the school lives by a budget and not just more debt and inefficient educational 'Like to have' vs. 'Necessary' programs."

-Brian Boyd


"Proud and Honored to Endorse Andrew Yeager for re-election to the School Board!"

-Natan Ton-that

"Our household is honored to endorse Trustee Andrew Yeager, a man of faith & impeccable character, a man who listens, then communicates with a calm & respectful tone. Most importantly, as a professional businessman & educator, Andrew clearly has a passion to improve CISD for all."

-Ed Agnew

"Mr. Yeager possesses all the skills and commitment to education that Southlake demands of our public schools. I am proud to endorse Andrew for re-election."

-Guy Midkiff

"Andrew Yeager is the right choice for Carroll ISD - a husband, father, business and community leader who will put children first by standing with parents!"

-Juan Saldivar

"Andrew Yeager is that rare individual who is confident, yet humble enough to put the genuine needs of community ahead of personal ambition or celebrity. His exceptional service on the Carroll ISD Board comes at a time when individual courage is our most lacking local and national resource."

-Bill Zimmerman 

"Dragon Parent, Business Owner, First Generation American.  I could not think of anyone better for this role!"

-Nancy Hollis

"100% endorse Andrew Yeager for this school board seat.  His values, morals and character are what we need."

-Jennifer Casey

"Andrew has been diligently identifying and confronting the cronyism, political indoctrination and misdirected curriculums in schools for years now. His truth and character are needed."

-Moms for Liberty, Tarrant County

"Andrew is a kind, thoughtful, and dedicated volunteer that will make sure our kids get the best education possible. He is not only a concerned parent but also brings the perspective of a student (given his recent masters degree) and teacher (given he’s adjunct professor position at UNT). He will represent Southlake well."

-Jenny Story

"Andrew is a strong conservative who is willing and unafraid to stand for what he knows is right."

-Tara Tate

"Andrew has strong conservative values and proven leadership skills…more of what is needed to lead CISD."

-John Thane

"Kathy and I stand proudly next to Andrew. He will be a great addition to the board."

-Leo Del Calvo

"The Jordan family wholeheartedly endorses Andrew!"

-Nichole and Dudley Jordan

"Andrew is an incredibly well educated and experienced candidate for school board.  We are lucky to have him!"

-Chuck Taggart

"Andrew will make an excellent Trustee.  His values and dedication will ensure excellence in CISD."

-Tim Davis

"I cannot think of anyone more qualified or equipped to be running for the Carroll ISD school board. I am so grateful that he has decided to step up and lead in this capacity."

-Virginia Hinkle

"Our family proudly supports Andrew Yeager for re-election to CISD School Board Place 7.  Andrew works relentlessly behind the scenes to ensure our students are getting the best! He exudes class, kindness, and intelligence; what a fantastic representation of the Dragon spirit! Southlake will be much better with Andrew Yeager in leadership."

-Brandon and Ashley McCurry

"My family & I proudly endorse Andrew, CISD Trustee, Place 7."

-Jolyn Potenza

"What an honor it is is to endorse Andrew Yeager for CISD School Board, Place 7!  Andrew & Patty are raising 3 amazing Dragons & their dedication to our community is something to be admired.  Andrew has the experience, skills & background to continue creating outstanding opportunities for all Dragons in this district.  We are so proud of his dedication & cannot wait to have him serve on the school board in CISD!"

-Chris and Bonnie Pendergrass

"Strong conservative leadership!"

-Tandy Roberson

"I truly believe Andrew Yeager will have Southlake’s children’s best interest in all decisions he makes."

-Lavonda Landrum

"Integrity, honesty, diplomacy and great action and great thinker ! Problem solver !"

-Judy Mcgrath

"I've seen Andrew, in action, in our community. He's been a tireless advocate for all of our Dragons. I'm certain that he's the man for the job."

-Adam Butcher

"I fully support Andrew Yeager.  He is a dedicated , caring , honest and informed leader !"

-Linda Krishna

"I have known Andrew for decades. He is a person of integrity and  competence. I highly recommend him."

-Wayne Rapp

"I have know Andrew for 8 years and love his passion for fiscal responsibility and Southlake’s education."

-Rosemarie Andersen

"Andrew is committed to the academic achievements of all Carroll ISD students and will passionately serve to maintain the standards of excellence for Southlake residents!"

-Wendy Odell

"Andrew is just who we need on the CISD school board  to represent the will of the parents/residents of Southlake!"

-Jamie Wooldridge

"Andrew is committed to the academic achievements of all Carroll ISD students and will passionately serve to continue the strong tradition of academic excellence for Southlake residents."

-Mike Odell

"As a 16 year resident of Southlake and a child in CISD I’m proud to endorse Andrew. He had clearly demonstrated a heart felt commitment to this community, in particular, the education of our children."

-David Potenza

"We wholeheartedly endorse Andrew. He has our votes!"

-Paul Segal

"I believe Andrew Yeager will be the best choice to serve conservative values in the CISD board of trustees.  He has been involved in the schools for a long time and is a voice of reason in the chaos!"

-Julie Theilken

"Our family is proud to endorse Andrew Yeager for CISD School Board. Andrew's knowledge, experience, and dedication is exactly what we need for our children and our district."

-Kristine Kemp

"Organized and well spoken, I met Andrew on the campaign trail.  I'm grateful that someone of his caliber would volunteer for the CISD Board and I look forward to his accomplishments there."

-Esther Spickler

"Honest, approachable and successful, three reasons I think Andrew would be great for the school board."

-Alicia Gates

"Andrew is the person we need to keep putting on the board at Southlake! With all of the information on a national level that is coming in to our schools, and deciphering what is important and what needs to be ignored, Andrew has the values of a straight up education for our children."

-Jackie Pittman

"Andrew Yeager is the only candidate that will speak for my kids, I trust him to be in the leadership for our kids schools."

-Zdenka Duran

"I believe Andrew Yeager will be an added voice to represent all dragons for CISD School Board, Place 7."

-Andrea Miranda

"I truly believe Andrew is the best candidate for  place 7. His warmth, humor, financial expertise and knowledge in business and education is exactly what our School Board needs to work effectively and efficiently.  I trust Andrew to make sound and responsible decisions for our district and it’s an honor for my family to support and vote for him"

-Christy Stacy

"We need Andrew's type of leadership at CISD more than ever.  Thank you for your involvement!"

-Karen Zaal

"We proudly endorse Andrew to help lead CISD to better serve our students and the community."

-Bobby Whitney

"Andrew is a proven leader and conservative that we need as CISD trustee."

-Victor Avila

"Andrew is a true conservative who cares deeply about his community, his state,  and his country. His love and dedication for his community make Andrew an exceptional candidate for the school board.  Andrew also is exceptional in the way that he appreciates and understand the need and concerns of the growing ethnic minority communities. As someone, who leads Our America's conservative minority coalition, I can attest to that.  Andrew is exactly who we need on the school board.  I proudly and wholeheartedly endorse Andrew Yeager."

-Julie Cho

"As a Dragon parent, I whole-heartedly support Andrew for school board. His experience with educational data and rigorous analysis is greatly needed. Andrew will be committed to maintaining and growing the renowned excellence of our district for all future Dragons."

-Claudia Avila

"Precinct 3526 Chairman: I enthusiastically support Andrew Yeager for CISD School Board, Place 7."

-Tom Moore

"I have had the honor and pleasure of getting to know Andrew Yeager and his wonderful family. My family unequivocally endorses Andrew for the CISD School Board, Place 7. We feel blessed that Andrew has stepped up for this critical role.  He is wise, kindhearted, fair-minded and will be a strong advocate for our children. Please join us in supporting Andrew."

-Sean Stapleton

"We are happy to endorse Andrew for our school board! He will be outstanding as an advocate, not only for our children, but also for excellence in education. Great times for CISD are coming with Andrew on the board!"

-Bryan & Hilary Rabeler

"Andrew will fight for common sense and what is best for our children and community."

-Marc Allen

"During his public comments at our school board meetings, Andrew has always seemed to us to be the “voice of reason”.  He is an exceptional leader in his professional life and his commitment to service in his community is admirable.  Andrew’s vision and goals as a CISD school board trustee fall in line exactly with our values.  We are proud to support Andrew Yeager for our school board trustee place 7!"

-Dana and Joe Krasinski

"Mr Yeager will uphold conservative values which teaches students to love
America and be proud of heritage and the advancements we have made over the years to make sure that the Constitution and Bill of Rights continue to protect our freedoms and prevent the radical indoctrination of you children with CRT and Critical Gender Theory which in conflict with Americas values."

-Michael Blubaugh

"I've known Andrew for 6 years and I can not think of a better candidate than him for the Carroll School Board. He is a man of integrity who is willing to stand up for what is right and fair!  He will be an advocate for children and families in Southlake and CISD."

-Trey Morris

"I taught at CES for 14 years and our granddaughters attend Carroll schools. I absolutely believe Andrew Yeager is the best candidate for our school board!"

-Debbie Matkin

"I found Andrew to be sincerely committed to upholding standards of academic excellence, supporting higher teacher compensation, ending political activism and eliminating wasteful expenditure in the CISD schools. He is a man of strong morals that will rely on logical and lawful decisions and will stand up against harmful agendas that are designed to indoctrinate children with divisive and anti-American political theories and unscientific information. With his professional and academic experience and uncompromising principles, Andrew is ideally suited to serve on the CISD board of trustees. I proudly endorse Andrew!!!"

-Sanjay V Veerabathina

"I endorse Andrew as a hard working and dedicated individual with great values, decency and common sense."

-Nick Hyslop

"I wholeheartedly support Andrew as a person who represents mine and the majority of people's views as to how CISD should educate our children."

-Glenn Davidson

"Andrew will bring a voice of reason, calm, & conservatism to the CISD board....Hannah & Cam in May and now Andrew in November. That's a real trifecta!" 

- Candice Caperton-Manley & Fred Manley

"I am proud to endorse Andrew Yeager for the school board.  Andrew is passionate about upholding the excellence of Carroll ISD.  With his leadership skills and work experience, Andrew will be a wonderful addition to the CISD Board of Trustees."

-Renee Thomas

"I endorse Andrew because he stands for transparency, fiscal responsibility and he is the conservative candidate that will represent ALL students in the district."

-David Clubb

"Andrew has the unique combination of intelligence and compassion that is required for  this important position.  He will be an advocate for all of #DragonNation."

-John Thomas

"Excellent candidate.  Highest morals, values, and ethics.  Character beyond reproach!"

-Ed Proskie

"We strongly endorse Andrew Yeager for CISD school board. As a 14 year resident with four kids, it’s a Yea for Yeager from the Eddins family."

-Tara Eddins

"Andrew is a great family man with a passion for education. He cares about all kids in Southlake and will make a tremendous member of the Board of Trustees."

-Byron Severson

"I've had the pleasure of speaking with Andrew on several occasions. He has a strong dedication to conservative values and a good understanding of the dangerous poison of Progressive political philosophy."

-Joseph Harvey

"I wholeheartedly support Andrew as a person who represents mine and the majority of people's views as to how CISD should educate our children."

-Glenn Davidson

"We need more people like Andrew stepping up to lead this district in the right direction."

-Matt Lafavers

"We believe Andrew Yeager’s leadership will guide CISD in a positive direction.  We are happy to offer our full endorsement."

-Vicki and Sam Timothy

"So glad that Andrew is in the race!  We're thrilled to endorse him!."

-Kristin Reynolds

"Andrew has our unwavering  support. He is what Southlake needs to maintain its excellence!"

-Paul Segal

"Qualified based on his varied life experiences. He has our full support."

-Lori Segal

"Andrew is a courageous member of the community who advocates for the dignity of every person.  He will ensure the students and employees of CISD receive the best possible support in delivering an outstanding education.  Andrew has the background and character to make the best choices for our community."

-Matthew Vaughan

"Andrew is the voice of reason our schools need! As a retired CISD teacher, I can proudly say he is devoted to ensuring the very best interest of our students and faculty."

-Donna Deyo

"Andrew is the right person for the job."

-Carlos Bertrand

"Andrew is a fine Christian man with high values and morals that will benefit the school district."

-Octavio Cuellar

"Andrew is a voice of clarity and truth for our children in CISD.  To have an educator, father, and proud conservative to stand up for our children is a blessing.  I am thrilled to support Andrew during this campaign and his future as a CISD Trustee."

-Kristin Garcia

"I strongly support Andrew. I have known Patricia and Andrew for several years and I can vouch that Andrew is hardworking and dedicated. He will deliver on his goals and do justice to the seat."

-Kavita Kishinchandani

"I am extremely excited to endorse Andrew for school board. We 100% trust that he will be a great fit and do what’s right for all the students and parents of Dragons!"

-Donald Brush

"I’m proudly backing Andrew as he will put the best interest of our Dragons first, not political agendas."

-Beverlee Barrera

"We are proud to endorse Andrew and the values he will bring to CISD schools."

-Jennifer Tyrrell

"Cam and Hannah need Andrew to help in the fight to protect our children from the insanity of crt."

-Nancy Kolter

"Yeager, in my opinion represent the constitutional conservative base. In addition, he is for developing our kids through responsible education and not left wing ideology indoctrination."

-Mike Burch 

"I endorse you. In fact, my husband does too.  We have lived in Southlake Tx since 1997 and had 3 kids go through the school system.  The reason we moved here was for the schools.  We would like to see CISD continue to be the best it is.   We want our future children in the ISD to be taught reading, writing, math...and not CRT."

-Karen Sego

"Educate vs Indoctrinate. Children are our future. America and the Constitution."

-Barton Buttles

"Andrew is a great leader and will be an asset to CISD."

-Gloria and Brian Anding

"Andrew is one of the most qualified candidates to run for CISD Trustee since I moved here in 1994!!"

-Matty Schirle

"We strongly support Andrew's vision for CISD."

-Paul Fiore

"Andrew’s passion for Southlake and CISD, combined with his experience in education and business acumen make him the clear choice for our next school board trustee!"

-Don Aydon

"I’m ready to protect the tradition here in SL. We need to take back our school and do what’s at for our children. Here to fight the good fight."

-Sarah Hilton

"I am a former CISD Student, I attended CISD from 7th to my graduation, and I know how important it is to keep left wing politics out of the classroom. As a former student, I care deeply for what is to happen to my former school and I would love to get involved in any way I can."

-Daniel Eldred

"The Sammons Family proudly supports Andrew Yeager's re-election to CISD School Board, Place 7. Andrew is a serious candidate for re-election who will continue to work to ensure that our school district remains focused on providing a top notch education and full support for all Dragon students and teachers."

-The Sammons Family 


No more dramatic, media-seeking hatred in this incredible town we ALL moved here for—the school district.  Southlake has always been a kind, loving community and to see the hatred of the Williams’ team, including her own disrespectful, mean demeanor at CISD and YMSL meetings is unappreciated and inappropriate.   The only person who chooses a pronoun is the God who created us—ALL of us.  Let’s get back to academics in the schools-we have a lot of catching up to do and there is no time to waste!"

-Jenna Askew

"I stand with people that have and display Godly principles and conservative values!."

-Alfonso Riera 

"Andrew has the character, experience, and understanding of our community's passion for high academic and behavioral standards that we want in a board member representing  the students and parents of our school district."

-John and Gloria Buczek


"I have known Andrew and his family since we moved here in 2015. He has struck me as an authentic individual who is invested in the success of all Carroll Dragons. In addition, he has relevant business management and college teaching experience to help strategically lead Carroll ISD. I am also confident that he will work hard to unite our community."

-Chris Gates 

"CISD needs  strong conservative leadership and Mr. Yeager is the clear choice."

-Bret Drewelow 

"This is the example we need in ALL aspects of leadership."

-Cindy Sue Petty 

"You have two votes from the Kings."

-Kristen King


"Andrew is exactly the kind of trustee this town expects and deserves in its leaders."

-Gina Monroe French 

"My family wholly endorses Andrew Yeager. During his limited time as trustee, he has demonstrated the ability to listen to all sides and weigh what ultimately is best for our children as well as our district. He is the most qualified to continue in his position to ensure the future and quality of education of CISD. Our entire family fully supports Andrew Yeager for CISD school board trustee."

-Paul Segal 

"So very proud to endorse Andrew! we must reelect him to Carroll ISD school board. The future of our students and our community are dependent on having a strong and honest people on our school board. Andrew possesses the greatest of these qualities."

-Lori Segal 

"I know that Andrew will work tirelessly to better our community."

-Yvette Keller

"I enthusiastically endorse Andrew."

-Steve McElhiney

"Andrew is so very hard working and his message is to support all Dragons! Simply the BEST !"

-Esther Spickler

"I whole heartedly endorse Andrew’s reelection to the CISD Board of Trustees. I have known Andrew for several years and I can vouch for his common sense approach to all challenges, his generosity to his community and church and love of his family. His professional experiences provide a great foundation for moving our CISD education in the right direction."

-John Martin 

*Organization listed for identification purposes only

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